Sunday, October 11, 2020

Looking Back

 It is a great gift to be able to look back without regret about something I did.  Why?  My past might be helpful to someone who has not yet done whatever it is that I did.  They might be in a similar situation that is the same as mine was in my past.  If I can share with them my experience, it might be helpful to them so they do not make the same mistake or do the bad behavior that I did.  But if I regret the past, still filled with shame and guilt and any other painful feelings, I may not want to share it, and therefore will not be a possible help to this other person.  Some of my past is still wrong, a mistake, a bad thing but I don't have live in perpetual misery over it.  I cannot change it.  So I have learned to deal with my past and get it to where the negative can be a positive from my experience for someone else, maybe a younger person.  My past, the good, the bad, and the ugly, have made me what I am today.  What I am today is totally insufficient and useless for some people, but that is not my side of the street.  Maybe this blog helps someone.  

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