Thursday, October 22, 2020


 Research is something that we do when we are trying to deal with our problems as we see them.  We experiment in our research to find more peace, happiness, less loneliness, and sadness.  We experiment with people, jobs, places where we live, as in moving from one place to another, education degrees, buying stuff, drugs, alcohol, sex and food. It is all research on the outsides and it never works to fill us up.  Why?  The problem is not with the outsides.  It is on the insides.  It is ME!  I am the problem that I am trying to avoid.  Well, if this is so, then how do I begin to shift from outside stuff to work in my insides? I think willingness is a start.  I won't do anything if I am not willing.  How does one become willing?  For most, it is a case of desperation.  One becomes willing to work on the insides instead of killing themselves, which is what they were doing, slowly, with their outside solutions.  Once you are willing, all kinds of outside help presents itself to give us the courage to work on the insides, one day at a time.  Friends of mine have found it so, and they taught me.  


  1. I heard a tremendous speaker the other night who said that when she prayed for the willingness to be willing, well - she did and life began to change. It is another way to keep it simple one day at a time. Thank you, Fr.Ryan. You are a blessing.

    1. Amen may the universe bless you with all your wishes
      Father i just loving learning new things from your divine blog with unconditional love without any expectation
