Tuesday, October 27, 2020


I always vote by mail in, or drop off ballot or vote at the election board a few weeks before the election.  I am never at my voting address when election day comes around.  This time I will be in a monastery in the mountains of Colorado.  I was at my voting address for a day last month so I went to pick up a ballot to take with me.  I have time to sit and look at the issues, fewer things to vote on this year with Covid.  If I don't understand some measure, a bond issue, or local candidate choice, I can ask someone who might know.  I take voting seriously because I know that some of my blog readers live in countries where there are no real election choices, or it is very difficult to vote at all.  It is a privilege for me to be able to vote.  I vote in mid-term elections too because there are always House of Representative choices as they have two year terms.  School board, city council and judges are always the hardest.  If I absolutely remain clueless on an issue then I leave it blank.  All any of us can do is the best we can do.  

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