Sunday, October 25, 2020

Not Complicated

The spiritual life, as some have said, is not complicated, but it is difficult.  It is not complicated because it has few parts, but it is difficult because we tend to make mistakes in the few parts.  You don't have to believe in a god to have a spiritual life, though I have found it helps me.  Simply don't pay attention to our mind/imagination/thoughts, and have no goal such as being comforted or feeling good whatever feeling good is to you.  Basically ignore yourself in your head and have no goal in any effort.  Stop being busy. You sit, walk slowly, lie down and ignore you.  The difficulty is that we cannot seem to stop, sit, and ignore ourself for any while.  So what!  Try again.  Keep trying on a daily basis and you will get the hang of it.  What is so spiritual about ignoring you?  The "YOU" that is constantly focused upon is always surface, and somewhat fleeting in agenda.  There is a deeper you that simply waits for an opening to reveal itself.  There is a power there in the deeper you that will make you a better person in nonmaterial ways.  That would be the "spiritual life."  

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