Thursday, March 18, 2021


 When I am teaching I have a lot of information about my subject.  That can be dangerous.  Too much information with no idea about how to use it to become a better person, is well, too much information, opinion, history.  Nothing and no one changes with information alone in my work.  My job, if done correctly is to help people see how they can incorporate someone's journey, path, experience, into their own life.  A teacher in my field needs to be pointing to transformation, change for the better, and not just more information.  My ego would like to tell you all that I know, but my ego never was much good at getting me to do anything that would transform me.  Transformation is about getting you out of yourself.  Try going from selfish to selfless without any spiritual programs, steps to take, and you will find that you stay selfish.  You stay a selfish person but with more information.  Some call it psychobabble.  Is this blog a babble? 

1 comment:

  1. Good morning, Father Ryan! My simple answer is nope, it is most definitely not babble. My request is that you read your blog posted on 01.02.21 which makes my heart smile. :) My question is, are you still wearing your very big scarf these days? It's a hug just waiting for you, from me - anytime at all and a reminder of how powerful your blogs are. ;) With love, gratitude and wishes for a happy day!
