Saturday, March 6, 2021


I think that one of the reasons that so many Catholics of my generation, still go to church, is because of the nuns we had in school.  The key issue was "esteem."  The religious order women who taught us, did not just try to teach us curriculum, but also tried to give us a sense of self-esteem by the way they treated us.  Obviously, a crabby nun is not going to do that.  But where you get a nun who cares about you as a person, tries to give you a sense of self-worth, I think that can stay with a young person for their whole life.  So think about that all you who say you are followers of some religious persuasion or any spiritual path for the matter.  If you want to pass on what you have to someone else, it is not so much a matter of subject material, doctrine, creed or tradition.  It is about how you, a so called believer, treat another person.  If you say you love someone, but ignore them, that won't give them much self-esteem or give them a sense of self-worth.  If you say you believe in a God of Love, then it ought to show up in how you treat another person.  Giving someone the silent treatment, or avoiding them because they do not do what you want, is not going to pass on much of your beliefs in a God.  i have to work on this every day.  I live with people far less perfect than myself.  OOPS!  I guess those nuns gave me an over abundance of self-esteem.  

1 comment:

  1. I just love this, Father Ryan. :) The little daily things in life are now examples to my kiddos... bringing in an extra shopping cart, picking up a pice of trash blowing across the ground, giving someone a snack or water because they need it more, smiling and holding doors open (we can do this again, yay!), being flexible if someone is late or plans need to be rescheduled, asking how someone is and making eye contact when asking then actually listening, the little big things... without having a discussion they learn by example just as I did. I feel all of those actions are just Gods Love working through us. I'm forever grateful for your actions, this blog and how much more you teach me about the little things so I can keep learning too- thank you! :)
