Tuesday, March 9, 2021


Soil needs nutrients.  It does not help to have a lot of seed to plant if th soil lacks nutrients to support the seed growth.  I live on a ranch.  Our soil up here in the mountains at 8,000 feet, lacks nutrients. The soil has lots of rocks, but they don't help seeds to grow.  So we have to supply nutrients for our soil.  Fortunately cows use our soil for their bathroom and so we try to spread that out with tractors.  I think contemplation is very much a nutrient for the heart.  You can plant a lot of information in a person, doctrine, rules, structure and tradition, but without the nutrients, not much will grow to make one a truly spiritual and transformed person.  Information, catechism, won't change you for the better.  or so I have found out for myself and a few others.  When you sit down to meditate, think of it as giving nutrients to your inner life.  Don't think about the cows though!  That could confuse you with metaphor.   

1 comment:

  1. Good Morning Father Love the cow bit giving nutrition to the soil. Yes meditation gives our soul the nutrition to our soul as the universe is blessed with so much nutrition in the way of unconditional love showering upon us
    Have a fab day Father and all out there
